The San Francisco Bay Area is still home to a rich cinephilic culture nurtured in large part by a diverse array of cinemas, programmers and moviegoers. I'm honored to present a selection of favorite screenings experienced by local cinephiles in 2016. An index of participants can be found here.
Six-time IOHTE contributor Jesse Hawthorne Ficks teaches Film History at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco and curates/hosts the Midnites for Maniacs series in the Bay Area. He is a member of the San Francisco Film Critics Circle, writing film festival reviews for 48hills.
Ficks' Picks: Favorite Rep-House Bay Area Movie Screenings of 2016. (In chronological order.)
Loulou image provided by contributor |
1. LOULOU (Maurice Pialat, France, 1980) - 35mm @ Pacific Film Archive
Poor Pretty Eddie image provided by contributor |
2. POOR PRETTY EDDiE (David Worth, Richard Robinson, USA, 1975) - 35mm @Alamo Drafthouse SF
Out 1 image provided by contributor |
3. OUT 1 (Jacques Rivette, Suzanne Schiffman, France, 1971) - DCP @Alamo Drafthouse SF (12 hours and 53 minutes w/ no breaks!)
Knightriders image provided by contributor |
4. KNiGHTRiDERS (George Romero, USA, 1981) - 35mm @ The Roxie Theater
Pepi, Luci, Bom image provided by contributor |
Law of Desire image provided by contributor |
5. PEPi, LUCi, BOM (Pedro Almodóvar, Spain,1980) - Digital & LAW OF DESiRE (Pedro Almodóvar, Spain,1987) - 35mm @ The Roxie
Within Our Gates image provided by contributor |
6. WiTHiN OUR GATES at SF Silent Film Festival (Oscar Micheaux, USA, 1920) - DCP @ The Castro Theatre
Insiang image provided by contributor |
7. INSiANG at New Filipino Cinema 2016 (Lino Brocka, Philippines, 1976) - DCP at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
Mulitple Maniacs image provided by contributor |
8. MULTiPLE MANiACS (John Waters, USA, 1970) - DCP @ Alamo Drafthouse SF w/ John Waters IN PERSON
Five image provided by contributor |
9. FiVE (Arch Oboler, 1951, USA) - 35mm @ The Castro Theatre
Bruce Baillie image provided by contributor |
10. Tribute to Bruce Baillie (USA, 1961-1974) - 16mm at New Nothing Cinema
Losing Ground image provided by contributor |
LOSiNG GROUND (Kathleen Collins, USA, 1982) - DCP at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
Bruce Conner image provided by contributor |
12. Tribute to Bruce Conner (USA) - 16mm @ SF MOMA
Born In Flames image provided by contributor |
BORN IN FLAMES (Lizzie Borden, USA 1983) 35mm @ The Roxie Theater w/ Lizzie Borden IN PERSON
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