Five years since I updated this blog in any way (that festival blogroll to the right freezes the COVID-19 cancellations in amber) and getting close to six since I've actually published a post here... today just feels like the right moment for an abbreviated explanation.
My wife Kerry Laitala and I moved to her home state of Maine in 2021. We miss the Bay Area's cultural scene, and I still keep an eye on it from 3000 miles away. Starting in November 2023 I've been an occasional contributor to the excellent Screen Slate website and newsletter. I'm no longer on Twitter, but I've also been active on Letterboxd since 2022.
And of course we still visit our friends and family in San Francisco once or twice a year, and in fact are in town right now. Come see me present tomorrow (Saturday) night at Craig Baldwin's Other Cinema program on 992 Valencia Street if you want to say hi, or if you want to learn about an obscure classical music record label based in Greenville, Maine that put experimental, electronic, and other niche recordings on vinyl from 1966-1991. There is a moving-image component to the presentation as well, including several short videos Kerry made to help illustrate the black-light-sensitive album covers this unique label produced for many of its releases.